George Bush talk again: about the election

The Republicans were swept into power over ten years ago. They came to Washington to clean up the cesspool of "politics as usual," and after forty years of Democratic control of Congress, there is an argument to be made that it was a cesspool..
Yet, instead of honoring their mandate to clean it up, the cesspool began to look like a hot tub to them, and with greater lawless gusto, they jumped right in and claimed American government for themselves and their big business friends.
Americans are known to forgive and forget, but the incessant drip, drip, drip of week after week, month after month, year after year of scandal after scandal has tried the patience of a patient people.
It seems the party which laments the corruptness, largeness, and ineffectiveness of big government took power only to make government more corrupt, more ineffective, and even larger.
George Bush and the Republicans, without planning or reflecting on the consequences, led the United States to the brink of oblivion in Iraq, and while doing so gave everybody a tax break and t
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