Study shows risk of cancer reduced by changes in behaviour.

Being a cancer survivor has made me more aware of recent leading edge studies concerning cancer and it's causes. Surprising results have been documented; the most successful of these are different for men and women. The results for women are as follows:
1. The risk of breast cancer is reduced in women of childbearing age by 85% in those women who spend more than 20 hours a week doing housework.
2. Women can reduce risk of brain cancer by 35% when the use of cell phones is significantly reduced while simultaneously increase sexual activity. Women who complain of headaches to avoid sex are found to have a 95% higher risk of ovarian cancer.
3. 98% of women who indulge in oral sex are cancer free. (and Billy Graham claims that 99% of this group of woman go to heaven).
Risky behaviour men partake in can be reduced in the following ways:
1. Housework similarly significantly increases the risk of not only cancer in men but also many men have reported suicidal thought while doing housework.
2. Men who receive oral sex 7 to 10 times a week live 10 to 20 years longer than men who do not.
3. Beer is a cure for prostate cancer.
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