Other blogs that are cooler than mine.

I click from blog to blog occasionally finding something to add to my "favorites." Today's choice blog reached inside me and made me better for a momet; you know, like clicking into the prurient edges of good taste in the virus packed corners of the internet leaves you creeped out and smaller -- what happened here is just the reverse. It was a vision of a life unatainable for me at this late stage of the game.
After I reached a certain point in my life, I began to look at the larger picture: in movies, I began to see the funiture behind the actors; began listening to what people were really saying; began to know when I was being lied to; began to realize my carcass body was a slab of slow moving meat draging itself over open fields under fire (not live fire, but from environmental assults -- time, gravity, disease, rot), and at the same time I began to see beauty in all things, that is, if the light's just right. The photographer who posted this choice prize keyboarded through a miasmic etherweb portal to my life and allowed me to participate in lives foreign to me: beautiful women, large expensive spaces, people who have all the time in the world, time to live their lives lit with money, leisure, good food, the right everything for everyone.
I applaud the pictures and stories on the blog I found. You too can experience this. Click here: Beauty
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