THe amaZinG KrEskin'S ProPhCy FoR 2007

Every year, shortly after the New Year, I have a dream. In this dream I see, sometimes clearly, sometimes not so clearly, the future. This year the dream came last night. Last night there was nothing foggy about what I saw. I saw clearly several things. There was something in the dream which caused me to feel the things I saw were real. So real, I can say they have already happened, and we only wait for these events to unfold.
1. After two well known Senators (one Democrat, one Republican), go on T.V. and mention the word impeachment, Bush leaves Washington in a huff. He arrives in Crawford and chops wood for two months (sort of an extended spoiled rich boy pout). He returns only when Tony Snow resigns, then quickly, and without a plausible explanation, pulls most of the troops out of Iraq and refuses to give speeches or press conferences. Rumors will fly about drinking and drug use. He will begin to take Barney with him everywhere.
2. Homeland Security will find an nuclear weapon in a major city -- Austin, Texas, I think. The city will be evacuated. Many people will die trying to leave the city. People in other cities will also leave their homes in a panic.
Homeland Security discovers the device to be a hoax, something dream up by college students. The students couldn't believe the devise was treated as real. The story of the bomb being fake is never disclosed. The students are given jobs with the government; they are paid too, too much and shipped overseas. The press is told the bomb contained two hundred pounds of radioactive fissile material, and the only thing that saved Austin was that it was a dud. Osama is blamed.
3. Brad Pitt dies in a car wreck.
4. Paris Hilton is reported to have V.D., and when confronted with the story, covers her mouth and cries.
5. Confronted by American power Iran signs a treaty with Russia. Russian troops are stationed along the Iranian border.
6. The Mormon church begins to buy all available property in Independence Missouri.
Labels: Brad Pitt, Bush is impeached, End of the world, hoax, homeland security, Iran, iraq, Mormon, Paris Hilton
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