Are you tired of dumbass presidential candidates? Then do something about the New Hampshire primary.

This is what New Hampshire and Iowa have given the United States. Are you happy about it?
Don't expect New Hampshire or Iowa to change, considering they seem to be the only two states which being first is an issue worth fighting over. Over time, these two squabbling states with combined populations of less than New York City have managed to move the entire election cycle forward almost a year and control not only who becomes President, but the issues the candidates are forced to address. What is good for fishermen and farmers may not be good for the rest of us.
New Hampshire has gone so far as to pass a law requiring New Hampshire to hold the first presidential primary -- no matter what. The Union Leader, New Hampshire's foremost newspaper, has laid claim to being first by announcing, "the people of Iowa pick corn, the people of New Hampshire pick presidents."

The good news is there is a way around this. (Yes-sir-ree, drop your fishing poles, shut off the combine, and listen up. Iowa and New Hampshire, you're about to be knee-capped by a cheap political trick.) FairVote has organized a national program to popularize the electoral college. The idea behind the reform is to give all electoral votes of a given state to the winner of that state. What a concept. Let the winner win. This will put each state on the same footing as New Hampshire: no more Georges; no more Johns; and no more Jimmys.
It seems the Republican party is coming out against the reform. I've thought about it, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why. I can see in the short term where the powers that be might profit, but a bad system that works for you now is still a bad system, and down the road, sooner or later-- will bite you in the ass.
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