Fox News fiscal conservative Jonathan Hoenig talks smack about Senator Joe, "WOULD YOU BUY A USED WAR FROM THIS MAN?" he asks.

What is this talk about more troops. ARE YOU CRAZY? Hasn't George Bush taught you anything? Did your head just recently grow out your neck? I like you, Senator Joe, but we're already flushing two billion a week down the crapper in Iraq, why more? Think of the tax cuts you could give.
Joe, we don't want to spend more improving things in Iraq. Shawn Hannity already thinks there's a Disney Baghdad. He plans to take his family -- as soon as he can afford the security. Listen, instead of sending more of our troops, why not send someone else. Why not start a program to grant citizenship to Mexicans in exchange for joining the Army and taking an extended tour in Iraq. After having lived in Mexico, they can stand the heat, and if one of them gets killed, who cares? Yes, that's what we need, a mercenary army of bordercrossers.We can pay them less and abuse them more than we do here at home. They, in turn, can pass abuse on down the line. We'll call it tinkle down torturnomics. If a few Mexicans want to go on a weekend of rape and pillage in Baghdad, more power to them, if they get caught we can say, "what do you expect from Mexicans?" If they survive, we let them enter the United States and give them a temporary citizen card, when it expires -- back to Iraq. They're going to be here anyway, why not let them earn it by taking care of their fair share of our problems, ie. the Iraqi populace. Recruiting slogans can be changed from, "Kill an Iraqi for Jesus," and "Cheaper gas -- shoot 'em in the ass." to something like, "Kill ten, get in," or, "Why swim the river, when you can pull the trigger?"
I wouldn't talk to you like this if it wasn't that a Democrat will likely be in the White House in a couple a years, as a matter of fact, I wouldn't talk to you at all if I didn't have to. I know you think the war is Bush's war, but we're going to make it your war too, and in true Republican fashion, in the end, blame it on Clinton.
Wake up, Senator, and smell the moka. After we cleanse Iraq of all the Middle-Eastern riff-raff, we can, at long last, claim success. Our problem is we're afraid to just kill people. If you just kill people, the Democrats always want to know, "why'd you do that?" or "how'd you know they were terrorists?" Let's hope the Mexicans can get away with it with a, "no habla Ingles." like they do to me all the time when they get my order wrong. And if the Mexicans refuse to do our dirty work -- there's always the bomb. Just think, if we could just bomb it, the heat from ten or twelve nuks would fuse the sands of Mesopotamia into an inexpensive parking for all the tanks we'll need to protect ourselves further -- you know, from Iran.
Labels: Disney Baghdad, Joe Biden, Mexican, Shawn Hannity
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