Condi and Boxer smackdown, round 1: the squabble -- May the meaner girl win!

"We only gave this much of a tax cut. I don't think that extra money would have won us anything in Iraq."
"Condi, you're no one's mother. But we all know, You're George's baby."

Today, as I waited for the sky to open and spread a slick sheet of ice across my plans for the beginning of the week, I watched the news snows -- snows, hahaha -- I mean shows. Shows showing Barbara and Condi's exchange in a senate hearing. You can't miss it; it is on every channel. It is not as good as the smackdown showdown between The Terrible Trump and Bar-a-que Rosie, but it is more important to our lives.
Barbara Boxer claimed that Condi, most people in power, and herself had an inadequate emotional connection to the sacrifice being made by the young families of soldiers in Iraq.
Barbara goofed. Every Democrat in the house and the senate has made this half of the argument, an argument which should be an argument of comparisons and contrasts. I don't know why Democrats making the point our army is peopled largely by youngsters from families who do not have the money to send their children to Harvard or Yale, don't go ahead and finish the point. The point being these children would be in Harvard or Yale and not going from house to house Trick or Treating for I.E.D.'s. in Baghdad if cash for Harvard or Yale were as readily available to these families as it is to the children of senators. The Republicans would have us believe these young men and women volunteered for our all volunteer army to go to Iraq to "fight for truth, justice, freedom and the American way."
Our young men and women in arms are America's very best children. They are children who refuse, for whatever reason, to burden their families with the obligation of providing them a higher education. America's armed forces have, for as long as I can remember, offered many educational benefits to its men and women. I believe it started with the G.I. bill at the close of W.W. II: a bill which provided funds for a higher education to a generation of America's best, bravest, and brightest. We should not believe, as the Republicans would have us believe, our all volunteer army is motivated only by patriotism, and not at all by health insurance, child care, family housing, and educational benefits. These soldiers are not drop-dead crazy about leaving their families to risk their lives and the future of their families in way off Iraq Christianizing, Republicanizing, and freeing people who have been warring for thousands of years and who can't stand America.
I just can't understand why Democrats cannot link in one breath the two links in a chain of argument. I don't understand how a government can ask our soldiers to go two, three, or more tours of hazardous duty in Iraq at great sacrifice and threat to these soldiers and their loved ones, and be so oblivious to their sacrifice as not to offer some sacrifice themselves. Instead we give the wealthiest Americans tax breaks, and ask them to go shopping. WTF! Wow, do we think our soldiers are motherfuckin stupid?
Why couldn't Barbara say, "While we shopped, they died. Condi, doesn't that show an emotional disconnect on our part? Is it because we don't have children involved? I mean, why would we in power give ourselves a tax break, while they go without the numbers and equipment to win. What we saved in taxes would have won that war at one time." THERE, HOW HARD WAS THAT? Barbara was trying to make a class argument. Why was she afraid to make it? Instead, by saying what she said, it became a slam on Condi's gender and childlessness.
Barbara, you're there -- follow through. They're throwing hardballs at one hundred miles an hour -- SWING, don't bunt.
Labels: Barbara Boxer, Bush, Condi, education, iraq, news story
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