Things you are not allowed to see on Blogger.

These are puppies. Should I show pictures of these puppies being shot-- one by one, I suspect that would be O.K. on blogger. But if you show naked ugly girls, or an old fart dressed up as a flasher wearing a big rubber facsimile of a ding-dong, Blogger will take your picture and leave you a little x in its place -- with no explanation. I love to blog, and I guess it's A-o.k. for them to strike down anything I put up they don't like because they deem it tasteless, and because they can. Yes, I am tasteless and tacky. It doesn't really bother me that someone strikes down with a x my bad taste and tackiness. (I am often censored in public; people look at me with pity while I laugh and laugh at something I said and thought was funny, only to realize I am the only one laughing). Blogger never send me an e-mail informing me of their position or reasoning for such censorship.
Ebay has a policy of informing you why they take down items they consider inappropriate for sale. They send you a polite and correct e-mail explaining to you why your shit is unworthy for consideration by normal people for purchase. Had they just sent me a picture of a thug with a gun captioned " WRONG," I would have laughed and admired them for their boldness and confidence in their own good sense. But the snotty e-mail informing me authentic Adolph Hitler birthday postcards from 1937 were racist, elicited the following response from me:
Dearest Ebay,
I cannot understand why you pulled my listing for racism. The postcards of Hitler were from 1937. They were only pictures of him in his pretty uniform. I can understand the charge of "racist" if I were peddling copies of Mein Kampf, but I was not. As a matter of face, upon reflection I do not believe Hitler's racism was his defining quality. I believe all evidence points to Hitler being, more than anything, a killer. Killer defines Hitler. Just as racist doesn't define J.Edgar Hoover -- who ran the F.B.I. for years and years without a black face in the whole organization (or a brown one, or a red one). Did racism define ten of the first sixteen Presidents of the United States who owned slaves? No, they were remembered for other things. Hitler should be remembered for being personally responsible for thirty or forty million deaths. These deaths were not only of Jews and Blacks ( the people who Hitler hated the most). Hitler was first and foremost an equal opportunity killer. He would have you killed if you were white, German, black or white American, Chinese, Polish, or Jewish. He was a killer with the power and the willingness to kill (we have one of those in the presidency now). We have seen them before, and we will see them again -- but I still think I should be allowed to sell their birthday postcards.
Ebay has a policy of informing you why they take down items they consider inappropriate for sale. They send you a polite and correct e-mail explaining to you why your shit is unworthy for consideration by normal people for purchase. Had they just sent me a picture of a thug with a gun captioned " WRONG," I would have laughed and admired them for their boldness and confidence in their own good sense. But the snotty e-mail informing me authentic Adolph Hitler birthday postcards from 1937 were racist, elicited the following response from me:
Dearest Ebay,
I cannot understand why you pulled my listing for racism. The postcards of Hitler were from 1937. They were only pictures of him in his pretty uniform. I can understand the charge of "racist" if I were peddling copies of Mein Kampf, but I was not. As a matter of face, upon reflection I do not believe Hitler's racism was his defining quality. I believe all evidence points to Hitler being, more than anything, a killer. Killer defines Hitler. Just as racist doesn't define J.Edgar Hoover -- who ran the F.B.I. for years and years without a black face in the whole organization (or a brown one, or a red one). Did racism define ten of the first sixteen Presidents of the United States who owned slaves? No, they were remembered for other things. Hitler should be remembered for being personally responsible for thirty or forty million deaths. These deaths were not only of Jews and Blacks ( the people who Hitler hated the most). Hitler was first and foremost an equal opportunity killer. He would have you killed if you were white, German, black or white American, Chinese, Polish, or Jewish. He was a killer with the power and the willingness to kill (we have one of those in the presidency now). We have seen them before, and we will see them again -- but I still think I should be allowed to sell their birthday postcards.
As for Blogger, I really don't much mind. I wish my free speech was more free. I just know my censor is some Librarian type with thick glasses who wouldn't say "shit" if she had a mouthful of it. Oh, Land of the Free? , where are you?
Labels: blogger, censorship, Ebay, hitler, political correct, puppies, racist, wrong
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