Labels: Parking, underground, where's the exit, women drivers
Irreverent and funny posts, clips, and links
Labels: Parking, underground, where's the exit, women drivers
Labels: Churchill, George Bush, Iran, tribes with flags, war, war in Iraq
Labels: blogger, censorship, Ebay, hitler, political correct, puppies, racist, wrong
The above clip is of water in zero gravity. It is in what is referred to in science as "a perfect state." Perfect state is what scientist call anything approaching a circle (if I put on anymore weight, I too will be approaching a "perfect state," but my doctor will disagree with this confused definition of "perfection").
Fire also burns in a perfect state in zero gravity; that's why it is so dangerous. As the burning object floats around in a ball consuming on all sides the much richer oxygen found on board all spacecraft, it searches for other things to burn, spreading quickly, easily, leaving only smoke and poisonous gas for those still alive to breath.
I have been on a science kick for the last week or so, and when I get on a science kick I begin to speculate on the "Theory of Everything." For those of you who have never heard of the "Theory of Everything," it is a field of study which captures the imagination of physicist, chemist, mathematicians, and astronomers alike. They are all looking for what is called the "Grand Unified Theory." They often wear T-shirt which say, "I_Have_Guts". In theory, people with G.U.T.s have insight into how to reconcile Einstein's theories about space and time with Quantum Theory. They believe that when one runs the numbers for the big stuff (stars, black holes, gravity, light, and such), the numbers should also work for the little stuff (atoms, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electrons, protons, gluons, photons, muons, and such) -- the numbers don't work.
So, as you can well imagine, the person who thinks up a simple explanation(there have been many not so simple explanations, most of which are unworkable) of why they don't work, and then shows the world how to reconcile gravity, light, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force in one simple mathematical expression which will be the "Theory of Everything," will be looked upon as the Great One the scientific world has been waiting for since Albert left us still counting on our fingers and toes.
"Theory of Everything" is what I have been reading about for the last week. Reading about only one subject on the computer you would think would be an efficient way to immerse oneself in an esoteric topic and get to the meat of the matter, not deviate from the quest until attaining the goal of knowing everything on the chosen subject; but, oh no, that is not what happened to me. What happened was, while I followed a thread spun by thinking about the "Theory of Everything", it occurred to me, (while considering the force of light and the force of gravity as well as electrostatic force, i.e. Coulomb's law, all fall off at a geometric rate which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from their respective sources), that there might be further evidence of other symmetrical geometric fall-offs elsewhere: falling objects; objects dropped in water; the strong nuclear force; in the progression of prime numbers -- ah ha!!, in the distribution of primes!! (a real shot in the dark), I was in hopes of following phenomenon from nature to the nature of numbers. "Maybe the key to "The Answer" is also shadowed in the structure of existence itself!"
You see, all these things occurring in different forces in the same way made me thing these forces were not forces at all, but effects of a force. ( the ringing of the hammer on different materials, but not the hammer itself). I thought, altogether ready to have an EUREKA moment, with a little more work, the answer would come to me. The Physics Muse would flutter to my shoulder and whisper "The Answer" into my virgin ear. I could then call Stephen Hawkins to confirm my findings and we could share the Nobel Prize!
I Googled prime numbers--no answer. I Googled larger and larger primes--still no answer. I then found out large primes are important to codes, codes for banks, credit card companies, the Federal Reserve, Department of Motor Vehicles. Then I began to get interested in cryptology. Then in the early cypher machines, machines used to help us win World War 2. All this information was only a Google click away. And each click led me further and further away from my Noble Prize. I fell asleep dreaming of my Nobel Prize. Then I had a dream. I was scrolling down post on blogs. There was one about apes, then one about George Bush, and then the one I clicked on, and this is what happened:
Labels: gravity, light, loop quatum gravity, strong nuclear force, theory of everything
Labels: Art Frahm, girls, girls loosing panties, leggy girls, panties
Labels: clone, drunken stem cell, Jerry Lewis, Jerry's children, Scooter Libby, stem cell