Saturday, December 9, 2006

What Old People Do For Fun...

Young people are beautiful; old people -- works of art.

Youth is beauty; old age -- a work of art.

This lady called 911 twenty times in thirty minutes... something about her late pizza.
Just another pretty face.
This old guy dropped acid and painted his house.

Xmas Pig

I love Xmas.
Ring up that sale.

Buy me something.

I'm not your kid.

I'm your creditor.


This man is Polish, but he is not the pope.
This man will lend you money, but not much money.
This man wants to save the world, and he is doing it to the best of his ability.


( click to find how to turn cash directly into a Christmas gift: Xmas_Cash . )
For the last fifty years I've been in business, its been 'givemegivemegiveme,moremoremore.' Tell you what, you little bastards, Santa doesn't have it to give anymore, its all gone... including my red suit.
Santa says: save a bundle on xmas, show the kids what really happened to Santa. (see pic.) That'll put an end to 'give me a skateboard, give me a Tickle Me Elmer, I got to have an Xbox or I'm going to die.' You're lucky I don't give them a good bout of cancer to go with their tooth decay. Fify years ago I liked kids, not any more -- the selfish, little attention deficit bastards... even if you nail one foot to the floor, they still run in circles. Of course they have to move fast, they have six hundred toys to play with, and in the morning they will have new toys. I've had it with Wal-Mart, Target, Cosco, and all the others who have convinced these kid's parents all this crap is needed.
What about the poor? Well, the poor get a bunch of crap nowadays too, except the poor have to have their names put on a tree or their pictures splashed in the paper so the rich can feel good about helping the poor. "See Margo, the poor are having a good Xmas too!"
Years ago the rich use to know the poor, but now since the rich have convinced themselves the poor are a bunch of drug-addict, thieving, stupiddirty people, the rich have circled the wagons in their gated neighborhoods, convincing each other that the poor might steal their stuff or bugger one of their brats. The rich only know the rich; the poor are a suburban myth to the rich. Well, Santa's had it: there will be no more xmas.
Yes, Virginia, there really is a Christmas, and no -- we don't know what happened to it.

Friday, December 8, 2006

You can run, but you can't hide.

God's looking for you.
"I FOUND YOU!" god said.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

George Bush talk again: about the election

George Bush and the Republicans have talked Jesus and walked corporate for far too lone. The Old Testament and money have been his sanctuary, his rock, but the rock is starting to crumble. George has pounded his Bible so hard and so long he's thumped a hole in it. Americans have begun to scrutinize motives and results. Those who hold hands with Saudi princes, accept donations from "The Crooked E" or from white collar criminals on "K" street, only distancing themselves when they are caught with their hands deep in the pockets of Jack Abramoff and others of his ilk, have had the bright light of scrutiny shown upon them, exposing them not for what they say, but for what they do.
The Republicans were swept into power over ten years ago. They came to Washington to clean up the cesspool of "politics as usual," and after forty years of Democratic control of Congress, there is an argument to be made that it was a cesspool..
Yet, instead of honoring their mandate to clean it up, the cesspool began to look like a hot tub to them, and with greater lawless gusto, they jumped right in and claimed American government for themselves and their big business friends.
Americans are known to forgive and forget, but the incessant drip, drip, drip of week after week, month after month, year after year of scandal after scandal has tried the patience of a patient people.
It seems the party which laments the corruptness, largeness, and ineffectiveness of big government took power only to make government more corrupt, more ineffective, and even larger.
George Bush and the Republicans, without planning or reflecting on the consequences, led the United States to the brink of oblivion in Iraq, and while doing so gave everybody a tax break and t

More transgendered famous people

I only did this because of all the death threats.
Chewbacca looked so good after he shaved, I just had to do something to get his attention
This girl will give you a Woody
O.K., senator, we asked you to learn to tap dance. You don't tap dance in a tu-tu.
When you got all the money in the world, you can do anything you want.

Babywalk - A new and creative way for babies to walk around. Funny home video.

Just think about it: if you used Endust as hairspray, this kid would keep the whole house clean.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

can you name these famous transgendered people?

I love the earrings.
You know something, pilgrim, I could look at myself all day.

I always wash my hands BEFORE I touch my dick


Brødrene Holme feat. Benjamin - Happy-Merry Fucking Chrismas

Brødrene Holme gør det igen denne gang sammen med Benjamin xD

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Japanese Dominos

These guys do dominose all through their house, amazing!

Monday, December 4, 2006

More creative Southerners

The really creative thing here: the man standing on the metal ladder is wearing safety goggles.

I don't know what you're smiling about, look at your Chinese friend right below you.


a rittle red sause and some fived lice and you be reddy!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

I'm going to stomp a mudhole in you, cat.

I ain't done with you yet!!
fight back, you pussy!!

cats are stupid, lazy, and worthless.

Bud Light is for pussies

lookie here, there ain't no civil war here.

George's new plan for the Mideast.

What we do in Texas is take ten steps, turn, shoot. But I think it'd be lots of fun if you boys would cheat.


Boy, did I goof. I need a bigger flag.

Our president is determined to keep and protect Bagdad for the Sunni, no matter the cost in treasure and lives. The Shiites are armed and ready, at long last, to take on the Sunni. For years and years the Sunni have thought of themselves as the warrior class, and always considered the Shiites as lay-down, self-flaggellating, pussy zelots. Now that the Shiites are armed and being led by al-Sader, a religous zelot seething with hatred, promising revenge; the Sunni are slowly coming to the realization they are looking straight into the abyss. The prayer rug hugging, five times a day praying, pussy zelots are looking for some payback for all the years Saddam terrorized them. However, Bush cannot afford for the Sunni to loose, and the Saudis will not allow it, even if it means Saudi Arabia must attack to protect their Sunni brothers. When the Saudis attack, the Iranians will rush to protect the Shiites, ...and so on..and so on,...ect. until the Son of Man returns

. If the Shiites were to induldge a full measure of revenge, there would be a genocide the likes of which has not been seen of late; well, not since Pol Pot in Cambodia or the tribal killings in Rwanda. (And we thought rampant blood-lust ended with the end of the Twentieth Century.)

Anyone who could leave Iraq -- has left. America has no choice -- America must stay.
What I don't understand is why did Bush not see this? It was very predictable. One doesn't need a crystal ball to know civil war would be the outcome of Suddam being taken out of the picture. He was the strong man who kept the Shiites down on the farm. Churchill, seventy years ago was smart enough to know arbitrary lines drawn in the sands of Mesopotamia do not states make. He called the Mideast group of states, "tribes with flags."
If one draws borders following tribal and religious lines, the Shiites new "tribal country" runs from Iran through Iraq to Syria -- a Mideast superpower of Shi'a religious zealotry. The only ones to stop them were Sunni thugs, and we knee-capped the Sunni.

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Poor Suthern Peple anit afrad to shoe creatativeity

That anint no shit!!!