Saturday, January 6, 2007

Yes,yes. Good for the soul, I say.

Got something to tell someone? Something you can tell no one at all? Did you kill someone? Rape someone? Are you queer -- fag? Did you do something to your sister?
If you have something to confess, go to the confession site and leave it there. It's the new electronic confessional: no judgemental priest; no back stabbing "best friend;" no way to get caught. SO GET THE LOAD OFF, TELL THE COMPUTER.
Click on the invisible link and tell everything. >> I_CONFESS

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Do you remember SPACE INVADERS????

These eletronic droppie creepies use to get my paycheck one quarter at a time. Now you can play at home for free: Space_Invaders

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Friday, January 5, 2007

I know I'm no genius, but I just get it when it comes to math!!


Thursday, January 4, 2007

War in Iraq reaches new lows in waste and corruption

This picture was taken in General Tommy Frank's bathroom

I was all for hanging Saddam, but I didn't realize he was a yankee fan.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Don't worry, Charlie, we'll take care of those bad thoughts.



Glad to see you're doing well, Charile. Having any more bad thoughts, or did we get them all?


Sunday, December 31, 2006


When you look back on 2007, may it have been the best year ever.
Christmas is OVER, and I'm sooo glad!!!!

Study shows risk of cancer reduced by changes in behaviour.

Being a cancer survivor has made me more aware of recent leading edge studies concerning cancer and it's causes. Surprising results have been documented; the most successful of these are different for men and women. The results for women are as follows:

1. The risk of breast cancer is reduced in women of childbearing age by 85% in those women who spend more than 20 hours a week doing housework.

2. Women can reduce risk of brain cancer by 35% when the use of cell phones is significantly reduced while simultaneously increase sexual activity. Women who complain of headaches to avoid sex are found to have a 95% higher risk of ovarian cancer.

3. 98% of women who indulge in oral sex are cancer free. (and Billy Graham claims that 99% of this group of woman go to heaven).

Risky behaviour men partake in can be reduced in the following ways:

1. Housework similarly significantly increases the risk of not only cancer in men but also many men have reported suicidal thought while doing housework.

2. Men who receive oral sex 7 to 10 times a week live 10 to 20 years longer than men who do not.

3. Beer is a cure for prostate cancer.

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If you get the flesh eating bacteria on your finger, DON'T SCRATCH YOUR EYE, or your butt either!!


Hole In His Head

This is one bad scar!
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